3 Strand Turquoise Bracelet

How to Choose a December Birthstone

It may be challenging to choose a December birthstone since there are many choices available to the buyer. You may decide to go with a stone from the Modern, Traditional, Mystical, or Ayurveda list. Whatever December birthstone you choose, you will have many beautiful colored gems to consider.

The “Modern” birthstone list is the official list of birthstones in the United States. The Jewelers of America established this list in 1912. In the past, cultures have disagreed over which birthstone corresponds to which month. And this is why you will find that they have changed over time. December’s modern birthstones are Turquoise and Blue Topaz.

“Traditional” birthstones are a compilation of birthstones used in different societies dating back to the 15th century. December’s traditional birthstones are Zircon and Ruby. Zircon is the oldest known material on Earth. One of the oldest fragments of Zircon was found in Australia and dated back to when our planet was 160 million years old.

“Mystical and Ayurveda” birthstone lists have roots dating back thousands of years.  The Mystical list is of Tibetan origin and the Ayurveda list is taken from Ayurveda Indian Medicine. The December Mystical birthstone for December is Onyx and the Ayurveda birthstone is Ruby.

About Turquoise, Blue Zircon, and Tanzanite

Turquoise is the second oldest December birthstone. Despite dating back to 3000 BC, the stone is actually one of the first gems to ever be discovered. It was considered a holy stone by ancient cultures and often adorns royal figures and leaders. Most notably, King Tut’s burial mask was jeweled in turquoise.

Turquoise has a rich history. It is called the stone of Shamans and is believed to blend Earth and Heaven.  It is believed to be one of the earliest stones used in jewelry dating back to the Pharaohs of early Egypt. In Iran, Turquoise is the national gemstone. The Aztecs believed it was sacred and made adornments and masks with it for ceremonial purposes.

In the United States, Native Americans used turquoise to made magnificent jewelry and ornamental pieces. They also believed it was a magical stone providing protection. It has a long history of protecting horses and riders on long journeys. Turquoise induces good health, higher consciousness, kindness, trust, and wisdom to the wearer, along with good fortune and success. Take care when wearing This stone is very delicate. It i soft, porous, opaque stone can easily discolor, break, or scratch.

Blue Zircon is another December birthstone. It is one of the oldest natural mineral on earth, dating back 4.4 billion years. Did you know that the Zircon is found in the crust of the earth? It is also one of the twelve gemstones set in the foundation of Jerusalem’s city walls. The largest location for Blue Zircon is Cambodia. This stone symbolizes healing.  It helps to promote common sense, to overcome losses, and to help mental disturbances for the wearer.

Tanzanite did not become a December birthstone until 2002, despite being found in the late 1960’s. The stone is said to have formed with the first eruption of Mount Kilimanjaro. More than 500 million years later, the first sample of Tanzanite was found. Tanzanite was discovered in 1967 by Maasai herders around Arusha Tanzania.  In 1968, Tiffany and Co gave the stone its name, after they became the primary distributor. It is named after its country of origin and the only place it is found.  Tanzanite enhances communication, psychic abilities, and personal powers. Tanzanite symbolizes honor, prosperity, and wisdom. Tanzanite is not durable and the wearer should take special care when wearing this gemstone.

Happy Birthday to my lucky December Babies: Bene, Katherine, Lynda, Lana, Michael, Theria, Allison, Maryann, Jayne, Janine, Hollie, Charles, Jake, Sam, and Kaylee.

November Birthstone

Choosing a Birthstone for November?

Are you are choosing a birthstone for a November birthday? You have two birthstones to choose from: the Citrine or the Topaz.  They look very similar, but are unrelated minerals. However, people throughout history believed they both carried the same powers of calmness, prosperity, and healing.

Citrine is derived from the Latin word Citrus meaning “Lemon”. This yellow to golden gemstone is known as the “healing quartz” as it is derived from the quartz mineral.

In the mid-18th century, the discovery of heating purple amethyst or “Smokey Quartz” to produce deeper yellow hues made the gem more common and less expensive, allowing affordable jewelry. It’s also known as the”burnt amethyst “.

The Citrine became very popular between World War 1 and 2, also known as the Art Deco period. During this time Citrine was made into elaborate and massive Art Deco pieces of jewelry for Hollywood ‘s elite such as Joan Crawford, Greta Garbo and others.

The gemstone is also known as the “Merchant Stone”.  Place a cluster or piece of citrine in your cash box to assist in acquiring and maintaining wealth.

It is one of only two stones on earth that does not hold or accumulate negativity. NEVER place in sunlight as it will fade and change into a lighter color. It’s very heat sensitive.

The Citrine is attuned to Archangels Ariel, Gabriel, and Uriel bringing self esteem and attracts abundance.

The other birthstone for November, Topaz, is the more popular natal stone. Topaz is a well-known mineral, occurring in large and beautifully shaped and colored crystals. It is a symbol of friendship, love, and affection. The word Topaz is derived from Topazos, the arabica word which means “found”, or Tapas which means “Fire” in Indian. In the Bible, Topaz is known as one of the protective stones of New Jerusalem.

Topaz comes in a wide variety of colors: colorless, blue, brown, green, orange, pink, red, and yellow. The most valuable color of Topaz is the golden orange-yellow, or Imperial Topaz. The golden topaz, which is November ‘s birthstone, can be used to attract friends or business.  It’s also known as the stone of “True Love”.

England’s Royal Crown is set with nearly five hundred topazes which were mined in the” Ore Mountains in Central Europe. In 1969, Topaz became Utah’s state gemstone.

The Topaz is attuned to Archangel Michael bringing success in all endeavors and attracting wealth to the wearer.

Happy Birthday to all of my November babies: My Beloved Johnny Boy, Isabel, Marisol, Trisha, and John.

Rubies with Gold necklace

Where do rubies come from?

Did you ever wonder where rubies come from? Rubies come from the mineral corundum. They have the same chemical composition and mineral structure as the sapphire, but the red color is produced by the presence of chromium in the gem.  To be considered a ruby, there must be enough chromium to give the gem a distinctly red color. Ruby is the July natal stone, represents Health, Good Fortune, Love, and Wisdom.

Rubies are known to be a blood stone, which strengthens the heart and stimulates blood flow and circulation. It aids in treating diseases or disorders of the heart, along with fevers. It helps to stimulate the adrenals and the kidneys. Ruby is one of four “precious “ gemstones including the diamond, emerald, and sapphire.

According to legend, rubies come from Asia.  The first ruby was discovered in Asia during prehistoric times. Asia is still the main producers of the best rubies. The most prized ruby is the “Pigeon’s Blood”,  known for its intense red color. This ruby came from the Mogok Valley of Upper Burma, known for the rarest and finest rubies. The national stone of both Burma and Thailand is the Ruby. During the Middle Ages, the gem was known as a prophecy and protection stone against the plague. If a ruby stone became darker in color, the villagers would flee the area in order to protect against the plague, only returning when the stone became lighter.

The Ruby is often given as a gift for the 15th and 40th wedding anniversary, as well as on Valentine ‘s Day gift to express love.  It is also popular in July for engagements.

Rubies are easy to care for due to their hardness and durability, however never wear them around harsh chemicals. Run the gem under warm water and recharged in sunlight for 2 hours twice a month. The Ruby is attuned to Archangels Michael and Jophiel bringing the wearer awareness of your hearts connection. It encourages creativity and wisdom.

Happy Birthday to all of my July Babies: My Beloved Samantha Ashley, Linda, Ernestine, James, Wade, Nathan, Kim, Beata, Spider. Shelley, Mandi, Rockelle and Alexandra.

green gem

Story of the Green Gem

The word Emerald is indirectly derived from the Greek word “Smaragdos” which means several kinds of green stones. The story of the green gem has fascinated many cultures for more than six thousand years! The Greeks believed it was a stone of divine intuition. It comes in all shades of green from light to dark. Babylonian and Egyptian royalty wore the green gem. It was said to be one of Cleopatra’s favorites. She sought to achieve beauty and eternal youth through the reflection of the emerald on her skin, which came from the Red Sea Mines.

Over the years, the Emerald has been a powerful stone in different ways to many people. In the Islamic faith, an emerald amulet might be engraved with a verse from the Koran. The Egyptians believed the gem stood for rebirth and fertility. Emerald was also known as the “Protection Stone of Travelers”. The stone dates back to 1300 BC, with tools from Rameses 11 reign found in Egyptian Emerald mines. In addition, the Emerald has been associated with Mercury the messanger of Gods and God of Travel. This green gem has many beliefs that will bring goodness into one’s life.

One famous  emerald artifact is the “Crown of Andes”. The crown is set with 450 emeralds and weighs 10 ounces (1523 carats). The last Inca king of Peru, Atahualpa, wore the emerald crown.

Around 1830, Emeralds were found in the Ural Mountains of Russia, which produced the highest and largest quality of Emeralds. They are also found around the world in Austria, Australia, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Pakistan and Zambia. North Carolina has been known in the United States for their emeralds. This green gem is May’s Natal Stone, perhaps bringing luck to those who wear it.

Care of Emeralds
Never leave an emerald ring on while washing dishes. Emeralds will attract grease and soap! Clean using room temperature running water and a soft toothbrush. With Woolite, brush repeatedly on the underside of the emerald to remove accumulation of dirt and grease. Rinse with warm water and pat dry. Do not use Emeralds in ultrasonic cleaner, steam cleaners or acetone and never expose to high heat.

The Emerald is attuned to Archangels Haniel ,Jophiel, Raquel, and Raphael bringing the wearer deepen consciousness and spirituality and symbolises Hope and Development.
Happy Birthday to all of my May Babies: Doreen, Dickey, Tanya, Mimi, Pat, Zoila, and Louis.

King of Crystals

King of Crystals

Diamond is known as the “King of Crystals”.

April’s natal stone is the diamond, sometimes called the “King of Crystals”. This crystal is the hardest mineral on earth.  Carbon crystals form the diamond and symbolize clarity, enlightenment, purity, and wisdom.

In India, this invincible stone was the stone of justice and virtue. It is said that justice was administered by the ruler while holding a diamond. The brilliant cut diamond was first executed in 1456 by Louis Van Berquen.  The brilliant cut is the most expensive of all gemstones and the greatest in demand from  “king of crystals”. The round brilliant cut consisting of 58 facets that divide the stone into a top and bottom half.  The most famous diamond is the Blue Hope Diamond. It is a example of the rare rainbow hues found in the stone. These crystals ranges from colorless, to blue, black, brown, orange, pink, and yellow. The cut of the Blue Hope Diamond (pictured here) is described as a “cushion antique brilliant” with extra facets. Today the Hope Diamond is on display in the Smithsonian.

Why is the “king of crystals” used for engagement rings?

The presentation of an engagement ring upon acceptance of a marriage proposal is believed to have originated from a Roman custom. However, in 1477, Archduke Maximillian of Austria commissioned the very first diamond engagement ring  for his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy. This sparked a trend for diamond rings among European aristocracy. The Victorians popularized ornate engagement rings mixing diamonds with other gemstones. The diamond is still considered the most popular stone for a engagement ring.

The diamond is attuned to Archangel Raziel, bringing the wearer love, peace, protect from negative energy, prosperity, and spirituality.
Happy Birthday to all of my April Babies: Joseph, Emily, Marissa, Jennie, Joey, George, and Samantha Starr.

aquamarine and bloodstone: birthstones of earth and water

Earth and Water

March has two contrasting birthstones representing the elements of Earth and Water. The blue Aquamarine is one of the birthstones associated with the element of  Water. The other is the Bloodstone,  a green gem with distinctive red spots that resemble blood, giving this stone its name. The Ancient Greeks believed the stone was the connection between Earth, Men, and the Gods. It is good for grounding negative energy and cleansing the body. It represents the element of Earth.

The Aquamarine is derived from the Latin word “Aqua Maris” which means sea water. Legend has it that the stone came from a mermaid’s jewelry box. The legend of the gemstone was believed to protect sailors and guarantee a prosperous and safe journey. Around 480-300 BC the Greeks first associated the Aquamarine with the sea.  They wore aquamarine amulets engraved with Poseidon ( Greek God of Sea) on their chariots.

This beautiful blue stone is used as gifts to the bride since they symbolize long love and unity. It’s also used to celebrate the 19th. wedding anniversary and is known as the “poor man diamond.” The Aquamarine comes in many varies of blue from deep blue to blue green. The gem is mainly mined in Brazil, but they can also be found in Colombia, India, Malagasy, Russia and the United States.

The Aquamarine is attuned to the Archangels Ariel and Raguel. It brings balance of the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric. In contrast, the second birthstone, the Bloodstone, also known as Heliotrope is attuned to the Archangels Ariel and Metatron.  It brings humility and sympathy to the wearer.

Ancient Greeks believed the word Bloodstone meant “ Turning the Sun”. Many believed if you put the stone in water it would turn red. One legend has it that Bloodstone was created when a Roman soldier thrust his spear into Christ’s side and blood dropped on a piece of green jasper lying at the foot of the cross of Christ. The Egyptians believed it would help them defeat their enemies, increase their strength and make them invisible. Today the Bloodstone is still cherish as a lucky Amulet. Athletes wear it to increase their personal strength, mental clarity, and boost overall energy.

Happy Birthday to all of My March Babies: My Beloved Marcia, Alise, Andrea, Bella, Brigitte, Katlin, Amy, Maggie, Victor, Susan, Sylwia, and Terri.

Amethyst_Mystical Arts by Ruby

Legends of Amethyst

We know that February has long been celebrated as a month of romance. Here are some legends that may tell us why. The association between Amethyst and Valentine’s Day is an interesting story. The legends of Amethyst and the story of St. Valentine are shrouded in mystery. St. Valentine was a Roman priest who encouraged marriage within the church during troubled times. He was known to wear an Amethyst engraved with the figure of Cupid. After his death and since the Middle Ages, St. Valentine has been associated with love. He is commemorated on February 14.  Valentine’s Day is a day we remember those we love. It is still observed each February 14th.

Are these legends the reason it is February’s Natal Stone?

The Amethyst has been associated with many legends and myths for centuries. The word comes from the Greek word “Amethystos” which means “ not drunk”. The Greeks wore the gems to protect them from drunkenness. The Ancient God Bacchus, known for Wine and Partying, has also been connected with the gem. Legend has it that Cleopatra wore a signet ring of Amethyst engraved with the figure of Mithras, which symbolized the divine idea, source of life and light. Catherine the Great of Russia was also fond of the the purple stone. She wore many rings and necklaces with the gem. In India, the Buddhist Monks meditated with the stone. It was believed to help accelerate the development of psychic abilities. It may clear ones aura and balance any dysfunctional energy in the body. Remember to leave a Amethyst in your bathroom or living room if you have any addiction issues.

Care of Amethyst

Amethyst is a variety of quartz, which produced a various shades of purple stones due to certain impurities. The deep purple stone has adorned many crowns and royal jewels to signifying Royalty. The stonet was once considered as rare as the diamond, but today it is one of the affordable gemstones.

This beautiful and unique stone should be cleansed once a month under running warm water and left over night to dry. DO Not EXPOSE to SUNLIGHT as it will fade the stone.

Amethyst is attuned to Archangel Michael bringing Peace, Balance, Inner Strength and Contentment to the wearer. Happy Birthday to all of my February Babies: Su, Bill, Joe, Martin, Anna, Bartola and Melissa.

Two Garnet Stones

Why Choose Garnet?

There are many reasons to choose garnet stones to wear or collect. January’s Natal Stone is garnet. It is a popular gift for January birthdays, as well as several wedding anniversaries. Garnet is the stone of loyalty, eternal friendship, and trust, which are three great reasons to choose garnet. In the past, garnets were exchanged between parting friends to ensure that they would meet again. Garnet is also known as the”stone of health”, extracting negative energy from the chakras. It is an excellent stone to hold or wear while meditating to give you a positive outlook on life.  By some, it is considered a holy stone, enlightened the soul and giving wisdom. Garnet is believed to be extremely beneficial in business, particularly when dealing with people. It aids in letting go of old ideas and promotes self-confidence. Perhaps it would be good to keep in your office!

Another good reason to choose garnets are for their beautiful colors. The name “Garnet” is derived from the Latin word “Granatum” meaning pomegranate since the crystals resembles the seeds and the fruit’s red color.  The gem comes in many shades of red, along with orange, pinkish orange, black, and green. Garnets can be found in streams as small pebbles in Asia, Australia, North and South America, and Spain.

Choose garnets for their durability. They are very hard stones, dating back to over 3,000 BC. Garnets were very popular stones in the Victorian age due to their strength (6.5 to 7.5 ) and affordability. Choose bright, clear stones for ornamental uses. Garnets are also used commercially for grinding.

Care of Garnets
Garnets should be placed under running warm water monthly to cleanse and then recharged in the sun.

The Garnet is attuned to the Archangels Haniel, Gabriel, and Raphael, bringing harmony creativity and self- confident to the wearer.
Happy Birthday to all of my January Babies: Michael, Melinda, Mabelle, Marilyn, Brae, Rachael,  EJ and Muzzy.

3 Strand Turquoise Bracelet

Turquoise, Blue Zircon, and Tanzanite

December has three birthstones in shades of blue: Turquoise, Blue Zircon, and Tanzanite.

Turquoise has a rich history. It is called the stone of  Shamans and is believed to blend Earth and Heaven.  It is believed to be one of the earliest stones used in jewelry dating back to the Pharaohs of early Egypt. In Iran, Turquoise is the national gemstone. The Aztecs believed the turquoise was sacred and made adornments and masks with it for ceremonial purposes.

In the United States, Native Americans used the turquoise to made magnificent jewelry and ornamental pieces. They also believed it was a magical stone providing protection. It has a long history of protecting horses and riders on long journeys. Turquoise induces good health, higher consciousness, kindness, trust, and wisdom to the wearer, along with good fortune and success. Take care when wearing Turquoise as it is very delicate. This soft, porous, opaque stone can easily discolour, break, or scratch. Our three strand Turquoise bracelet is a welcome addition to anyone’s wardrobe.

Blue Zircon is one of the oldest natural mineral on earth, dating back 4.4 billion years. Did you know that the Zircon is found in the crust of the earth? It is also one of the twelve gemstones set in the foundation of Jerusalem’s city walls. The largest location for Blue Zircon is Cambodia. This stone symbolizes healing.  It helps to promote common sense, to overcome losses, and to help mental disturbances for the wearer.

The first gemstone to be added to the birth stone list since 1912, is Tanzanite, making it the newest December birthstone. Tanzanite was discovered in 1967 by Maasai herders around Arusha Tanzania.  In 1968, Tiffany and Co gave the stone it’s name, after they became the primary distributor. It is named after its country of origin and the only  place it is found.  Tanzanite enhances communication, psychic abilities, and personal powers. Tanzanite symbolises  Honor, Prosperity, Wisdom, and wards off Evil. Tanzanite is not durable and the wearer should take special care when wearing this gemstone.

Happy Birthday to my lucky December Babies: Bene, Katherine, Lynda, Lana, Michael, Theria, Allison, Maryann, Jayne, Janine, Hollie, Charles, Jake, Sam, and Kaylee.